Friday, July 18, 2008


This is going to be really honest and really hard to write.  But I need to get it out there.  I have the worst feeling that I am disappointing God.  I don't talk to Him enough, read His word enough, or give Him enough glory.  I wonder how I would feel if I really want to talk to one of my children and be with them, and they kept ignoring me.  Or just calling me for a minute and then saying, "Oh, I gotta go.  Someone else is calling me."  I can't imagine the heartbreak.  And I know God loves me more than I love my daughters.  

Of course, I have all the best excuses:  I don't have time, I'm too tired, I just need to make this one phone call, I just have to email so-and-so.  Well starting today, those excuses are not good enough.  

I am making a commitment to spend time with THE ONE who gives me time.  THE ONE who blessed me with the children that make me too busy and too tired.  THE ONE who loves me so much that He sent His precious son to die an ugly, painful, beautiful death so that I can have eternal life.  THE ONE who promises me "Through His mercy, I will not be consumed, His compassion will not fail and is new every morning.  And that His faithfulness is great." (Lamentations 3:22-23)  THE ONE who is my rock and my strength.  THE ONE who always has time for me.