Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Letters to my daughters:

I am feeling sentimental...

To my independent, strong willed, no-nonsense daughter.  You amaze me every day as I watch you grow.  I am in awe of your spunk, your zest for life, and your love for all creatures great and small.  Our late night talks and early morning snuggles are some of my greatest moments.  Thank you for making me a mommy.  I love you more than the sun shines.

To my love bug.  How can anyone be in your presence and not smile??  You always have a song in your heart and a dance in your step.  I have never met a more loving child.  Your life is a joy to watch and a treasure to my heart.  Thank you for always being quick to forgive and forget.  You have taught me so much.  I love you more than the stars twinkle.

To my baby.  You keep me on my toes.  I watch you follow your sisters and then make your own path.  You see something you want and go for it.  I hope you never stop doing that.  You don't know it now, but when you were born, a hole in my heart was filled.  Thank you for being my cuddly baby.  I love you more than the moon glows.  


kevin6603 said...

how sweet. i enjoy reading your blogs since i aint there to keep up with whats going on. i sure do miss my sister and those little girls. they bring me such joy when im around ya'll

Vic said...

TAG! You're it! I've tagged you to do a "meme." See the rules here: